In recent years, open plan living has seen an uptick in popularity.
A trend that promotes a greater sense of space and unbounded interior design, open plan layouts have much to offer, creating bright and roomy environments to relax in. Heating these areas, however, can present a challenge.
Why traditional heating struggles to cope
Conventional heating solutions typically feature wall-mounted radiators that are designed to heat the air. They work best when used in a confined spaces where you can keep doors closed and let rooms heat up.
In open plan areas this isn’t possible, and to warm a room effectively, the only option is to crank up the heat and incur higher costs.
Open plan living means removing walls that also leaves less space to install radiators. This can result in cold patches in rooms, making them uncomfortable for occupants.
Why is underfloor heating the best option?
The perfect partner with a streamlined open plan design, underfloor heating (UFH) equipment is beneath the floor rather than on the walls. This not only enhances the aesthetic, but ensures that open plan spaces are warmed consistently.
Because UFH heats the floor and not the air, wherever you step, you’ll enjoy the warmth and never need to worry about heat loss.
When you want to create a comfortable open plan environment, you can rely on FastWarm for the underfloor heating system you need. Get in touch with our team today for equipment and the answers to any questions you might have.