As part of its continuing ambition to become the UK’s most sustainable diocese, Salford Cathedral is planning an extensive renovation project. As part of the work, those charged with care of the venerable building are now looking into new measures that can be adopted.
The initial phase of the restoration project is already underway with its preferred building contractors onsite and undertaking external repairs. However, to meet its diocesan commitment towards the environment, sustainable solutions are now being considered for the cathedral’s interior. This next stage will involve the deployment of the most cutting-edge technology to provide long-term solutions to what have become increasingly extreme and unpredictable weather patterns associated with the current climate crisis.
The cathedral was constructed when energy was affordable, materials were easily available, and the concept of sustainable development and building were unknown. As a result, the building is insufficiently insulated, allowing hot and cold air to move in and out freely, increasing energy costs.
To counter this situation, sustainable initiatives are now being explored by the Salford Cathedral design team. These include fitting of insulation across the entire roof and the installation of a fully insulated floor slab warmed by an underfloor heating system. Underfloor heating has been applauded for its energy efficient operation that can lead to far lower utility bills.
If your project requires an underfloor heating system, you can count on FastWarm for the components you need. We can also offer expert advice via our expert team, so contact us now to get started.